
– ”Hi, my name is Christer, and I’m a TED junkie…”
One area where the Internet excells is with the thousands of insightful and helpful video content that is out there. Sure, TED is a major player but there’s so much great stuff out there. These are a few of my tips on video stuff that inspires me.

Got more video tips? Hit me!
One thing I really enjoy is to exchange tips on great inspiration. Got a video clip you really think I should see? I’d love to hear from you, so feel free to send me an email.

Digital transformation

Brands in a changing world
Lisa Lindström

Doberman’s Lisa Lindström is a brilliant inspiration. In this talk (in Swedish) at Webbdagarna Göteborg, she talks about how to build brands in a world in constant change. Lots of great insights.

» See the film


Creativity is the new literacy (SXSW)
Chase Jarvis

Chase Jarvis is one of my favourite photographers. Not only does he produce great photographic work, his natural way of sharing knowledge and insights really inspires me. I was fortunate enough to see this talk at SXSW 2014 live. This is a great one!

» See the talk


Show your work (SXSW)
Austin Kleon

Good work is all about process, yet we tend to only share the products of that process, and not the process itself. Learn how opening up and sharing your process brings you closer to an audience, adds value to your work, and makes you better at what you do.
This is another talk I saw live at SXSW 2014.

» See the talk

Team dynamics

The vampire test
Austin Kleon

Vampires. The ones that drains you from all energy. You know them, you see them all the time in your work life. This short clip from author Austin Kleon tells you how to act when around a vampire (hint: run!)
» See the film

Personal productivity

Getting things done
David Allen

So you got an overfilled todolist and is stressed out? Then see this talk at Google by author David Allen. His super simple GTD method really is my lifesaver in the always crazy worklife.
» See the talk


How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek

A brilliant talk om the importance of Why, How, What instead of What, How, Why. A must see!


» See the talk

Team dynamics

Why good leaders make you feel safe
Simon Sinek

So you are a manager? Then this talk from Simon Sinek is a must see. Really.
» See the talk


TED Talks

With the credo ”Ideas worth spreading”, TED is the mother of all idea sharing video sites. Always super high quality on the speakers and an absolute abundance of topics.

» See the talks



99u is like the rock’n’roll sister of TED. Founded by Behance, the 99u talks are focused on creativity and team development.

» See the talks


The art of first impressions — in design and life
Chip Kidd

Award winning book designer Chip Kidd on the topic of the two techniques designers use to communicate instantly — clarity and mystery — and when, why and how they work.

» See the talk


Dance vs Powerpoint, a modest proposal
John Bohannon

Come on! You know you want it. Ditch that powerpoint presentation and use dance instead. You don’t want to miss this one!

» See the talk

Tech podcast

Patrick Norton & Shannon Morris

Weekly crowdfunded web-tv show on everything tech. All served in a nice nerdy level. Watching TekThing is a great way to stay up to date with the tech world.

» See the podcast


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