CreativeMornings Gothenburg

Everyone is creative, everyone is welcome

Every month, CreativeMornings events are organized in over 180 cities around the world, and I’m super proud to be the loal host of CreativeMornings Gothenburg. Together with a brilliant team of volunteers I organize a free monthly breakfast lecture series for the creative community.

I also create CreativeMornings Stories – portraits films of interesting creatives around the world.

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CreativeMornings Stories

When everyone else has gone bust or switched to making sub-par plastic stamps, John Casey insists on making his stamps in the old artisan way. Welcome to Casey Rubber Stamps, the coolest little shop in New York’s East Village.
» See the film
This is our portrait of Taliah Lempert, the artist in Brooklyn who paints portraits of bicyclyes.

The next door luchador (coming soon)

The wrestling / luchador sub culture may not be mainstream, but it has some super dedicated fans and athletes. This is our portrait of El Vecino, the next door luchador.

Anna Lena Mayor Ekeblad (coming soon)

This is our portrait of Gothenburg artist Anna Lena Mayor Ekeblad.

The mosaicist (coming soon)

This is our portrait of Saber ”Rezgar” Alipanah, an artist and activist who is using mosaics to make Gothenburg a kinder and more colorful city.

CreativeMornings Talks

Jenny Theolin

June 2018 – Craft
Designing by Making

Anna Lena Mayor Ekeblad

April 2018 – Courage
I promise my courageous heart to always choose happiness

Kalle Möller

March 2018 – Curiosity
Curious about the curiosities of curiosity

Slave to Nothing

March 2018 – Curiosity
Improvisations & Blinkenlights

Joe Macleod

November 2017 – Death
Ends (why bother?)

Erik Toresson

October 2017 – Pioneer
Invention litteracy

Farshid Rodsari

September 2017 – Compassion
The diamond of compassion

Tobias Rosén

August 2017 – Genius
How to become a genius

Jon Barnes

May 2017 – Serendipity
My source code for serendipity

Bonus: Improverket

April 2017
Anya Rides a Horse

Jenny Segergren

April 2017 – Beyond
Beyond fashion

Hellbjörn Schedwin

March 2017 – Taboo
Designing by Making

Bonus: The Hvila Quartet

February 2017
Divertimento I. K. 136: Allegro

Tash Willcocks

February 2017 – Moments
Make friends, not contacts

Isadora Wronski

January 2017 – Mystery
Burning Man

Bonus: Jamie Meyer

December 2016
Holy Ground To Me

Thomas Reibke

December 2016 – Sound
Shut up and listen

Afra Noubarzadeh

November 2016 – Fantasy
Limit your reality
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